Standards for Students
Standards for Faculty
Standards for Staff
Academic Pledge
What to do if you believe a violation has occurred
Academic Standards at Andrews University
University learning thrives on the rigor of individual investigation, the authentic exchange of ideas, and a corporate commitment to integrity and mutual respect. It requires all members of the academic community to behave honestly–speaking truthfully to colleagues, co-learners, and teachers, and completing all homework, tests, papers and projects with integrity. Andrews University anchors its practices in the teachings of the Bible as well as in widely established and honorable academic traditions. Much as the apostle Paul calls us to authenticity in our Christian walk, so the educational institution demands of its participants true and accurate self-representation. In Ephesians, Paul invites believers “to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to clothe yourselves with the new self, created according to the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness” (Eph. 4:23-24, NRSV). As scholars and as Christ servants, we build His living body through our honesty in all things, both small and great. To that end, Andrews University’s faculty and students pledge to learn and grow together, committing to the following Standards and affirming honesty as a core component of an Andrews University education.
Academic Integrity Policy
Standards for Students
The Andrews University faculty pledge to promote classroom experiences that foster academic integrity. In the same way, students commit to do their part to build a community of honesty. Students promise to:
Present assignments, lab reports, and research findings that are not falsified in any way.
Respect copyrighted and/or licensed material (whether it be directly quoted or paraphrased) by citing print or electronic sources as appropriate.
Follow the source citation guidelines outlined by the course professor.
Submit work that is solely created by the person to whom it is assigned.
Contribute equitably when participating group-work.
Prepare for quizzes and examinations by study and review without stealing, accepting, or using unauthorized quizzes or examination materials.
Follow the professor’s instructions regarding allowable aids during a quiz or examination.
Complete quizzes and tests without seeking answers from or sharing answers with other students or unauthorized sources.
Encourage others to high standards of integrity by refusing to assist in acts of academic dishonesty.
Level of Academic Integrity Violations
Reporting of Violations
Summary of Policy
Student Handbook
Standards for Faculty
Because academic integrity grows out of a partnership between faculty, staff involved in academic endeavors, and students, faculty members of Andrews University promise to:
Model academic integrity both in the classroom and in the course of research activities and publication.
Cultivate academic honesty in each course, using the following means as deemed appropriate:
Make the Academic Integrity Policy available to students.
Communicate clearly in the syllabus the expectations of the course, including whatacademic integrity means within the context of the course.
Explain acceptable source citation practices within the specific course or discipline.
Encourage use of campus learning resource.
Intervene when academic integrity is breached and report intentional violations.
Level of Academic Integrity Violations
Reporting of Violations
Summary of Policy
What to do if you believe a violation has occurred
Standards for Staff involved in Academic Endeavors
Because academic integrity grows out of a partnership between faculty, staff involved in academic endeavors, and students, staff members of Andrews University promise to:
Model academic integrity in interactions with other members of the academic community.
Demonstrate integrity in the handling tests, data, or any other documents in their charge.
Intervene when academic integrity is breached and report intentional violations.
Andrews University Academic Pledge
I promise on my honor as a member of the learning community at Andrews University that I will faithfully adhere to these Integrity Standards.
What to do if you believe a violation has occurred
The faculty member should discuss the matter with the student involved, presenting their concerns and asking for a response.
After consulting with the student, if the faculty member is convinced that a violation has occurred, determine the level of violation (in consultation with the department chair if needed) and the consequence
a. Recommendations regarding levels of violation and appropriate consequences
This document will guide you as you decide on level and consequence, however, the final decision is left with the individual faculty member.
b. Integrity Violation Report Form
Complete the first half of the form
Sit down with the student and go over what you have filled in.
Give the form to the student to fill in their half.
a. Be sure to note the DATE you give the form to the student
The student has FIVE school days (not weekends or holidays) to complete and return the form to you.
b. If they do NOT return the form within five days, it is assumed the student has accepted responsibility for the violation and accepted the sanction.
When the student returns the form to you, send an email to stating that you have a report to file.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the chair of the Faculty Academic Integrity Council at